The Open University & Student Hub Live

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I’m currently working with The Open University’s Student Hub Live team as a Communications and Engagement consultant, to refresh the project’s branding and develop a long-term communications and social media strategy.

Student Hub Live is a series of live, online and interactive events open to the entire Open University community. Launched by host and OU Lecturer Karen Foley in 2014, SHL present a mix of studio-based online broadcasts and study skills workshops, using the same software that delivers University tutorials.

The events allow attendees to interact in real time through live chat and interactive widgets. They’ve proven a fun and effective way for the OU’s students — all of whom are distance learners — to ‘meet’ each other, as well as the academics and other staff that work together to design and deliver the University’s curriculum.

We’re currently revamping the Student Hub Live website, but check it out for more information. You can also view previous events, including ones that focus on the Rosetta Mission to Marsthe EU Referendum and OU Freshers’ Fair on YouTube.

If you’re looking to enlist a Communications consultant, contact me at for information about availability and rates.